The effect of HCI on society
HCI stands for human computer interaction this is the way that humans interact with any sort of machine and how easy we find it, for example how easy it is to withdraw money for a cash machine or wether or not it is nice to look at.
Impact on daily life
Back 40 years when technology was rising into popularity life was much harder than it was today as there was no freezers, no microwaves and no access to internet which most people rely on today to work their jobs and survive, these days people would not be able to do their job as it requires internet for research or mobile devices for access to clients infomation on the go which people wouldnt have even dreamed of back in the 70's. an example of this is the documentry electric dreams what shows a family living throught the years with slow advancements in technology, a year a day with each day gaining tech from that year and it showed the dad of the family turning up to work when the office had sent an email saying for everyone to work at home which he didnt get as he didnt have internet yet let alone email. it also showed the mother preparing food for the family the day day she got it as they didnt have a freezer and only a small fridge so all the ingredients had to be gotten the same day.
Impact on economy
As HCI has developed, there is more and more technological items that have been developed for example the first games were developed in the early 70's with pong and has rapidly increased in the size of the market to the massive 102billion pounds that its worth today. This increase along has cause a boom the the worldwide economy as its a whole new area that people can create new jobs and more income for all involed. To give a view on how big this is Grand theft auto V made 1billion in three 3 days compared with the highest grossing movie in a weekend was jurssic park at 500 million which shows that one of the biggest industries these days has come around due to an advancement in technology.
The impact on the culture would be that these days peopel have alot more freedom in the people they choose to talk to as they can just login in to facebook or twitter and to anyone from around the world at any time they wish compared with 20 to 30 years ago they would have had to send a letter to an adress they already knew or called a number that they would know costing them a lot of money to do so in the process. Also, these days if a child wants to go out with their friends they can just sent a text to a parent or call them to see if thats alright but go back 30 years and they would have to wait to see the adult before going out and if they want to go anywhere else they would have to go back to their house to go elsewhere.
Impact on personal and family time
Back in the 70's families would spend lots of time together playing board games, watching black and white t.v. or just spending the time together, this was beforethe rise of personal technology like smart phones, computers in home and games consoles, this devlopment has meant that the time families spend together has been greatly reduced as there is so much that people can do that they dont think that "famly time" is as interesting as the people back in the 70's when thats all they had.